Wednesday, March 18, 2020

fo essays

fo essays Governments should discourage mergers in the communication industry. Our group will be disagreeing with this statement through out the project. We will be using texts and examples in order to support our ideas. Also we will be using reasoning and common sense in some cases. Our group believes the most important mergers in the communication industry are the telecommunication companies. Bell Atlantic and GTE are the two big mergers in the industry and are a good example for our case. This merge has brought benefits to workers, consumers and communities. The Communications Workers of America (CWA) represents 630,000 workers who are also consumers of telecommunications services. The majority of CWA members are employed in the telecommunications industry, including 72,000 employees at Bell Atlantic and 25,000 employees at GTE. CWA is the leading union in the information age whose members are responsible for building, maintaining, and servicing customers on the information highway. CWA seeks to ensure that the new information world brings benefits to all consumers, workers, and communities. CWA urges the Commission to approve the Bell Atlantic and GTE merger because it will benefit both consumers and workers. CWA believes the merger is in the public interest for five reasons. First, it advances the pro-competitive goals of the 1996 Telecommunications Act ("the 1996 Act") in local exchange markets for all consumer markets. Bell Atlantic and GTE have committed to enter 21 markets out-of-region within 18 months after the merger. Second, the proposed merger advances the 1996 Act's goal to speed deployment of advanced telecommunications networks to all Americans. The merger will provide Bell Atlantic and GTE with the scale and scope necessary to accelerate in-region and out-of-region investment in advanced data networks. Third, the merger is consistent with the 1996 Act's goal to advance and to preserve afforda ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Italian Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials

Italian Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initials AQ, BOT, ISTAT, and SNAproFIN. VF, CWIB, FALCRI, and RRSSAA. Italian abbreviations and acronyms might make your head spin, but consider the alternative: While on vacation in Italy Antonio rented a car manufactured by the Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino. In his hotel room the channel choices included Radio Audizioni Italiane Uno and Telegiornale 4. Antonio consulted the Italian financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore for the daily Indice azionario della Borsa valori di Milano. While looking out the window, he saw a street rally for the Partito Democratico della Sinistra.Since the airlines lost one of her suitcases, Antonios wife went to Unico Prezzo Italiano di Milano to replace her toothbrush. She also wrote a postcard to her friend Regina in Sicily that required a Codice di Avviamento Postale in the address. Later on that day Sabrina went to the local Azienda di Promozione Turistica office for information on museums. At the end of their trip Antonio and Sabrina filled out an Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto refund claim form in order to receive a refund of taxes spent on certain goods. Now consider the same passage using Italian abbreviations and acronyms: While on vacation in Italy Antonio rented a FIAT. In his hotel room the channel choices included RAI Uno and Tg4. Antonio consulted the Italian financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore for the daily MIB. While looking out the window, he saw a street rally for the PDS.Since the airlines lost one of her suitcases, Antonios wife went to UPIM to replace her toothbrush. She also wrote a postcard to her friend Regina in Sicily that required a C.A.P. in the address. Later on that day Sabrina went to the local APT office for information on museums. At the end of their trip Antonio and Sabrina filled out an IVA refund claim form in order to receive a refund of taxes spent on certain goods. Stirring the Soup It might seem like a zuppa di alfabeto, but as the examples show, youd have to be pazzo to write or speak the complete phrase or term instead of substituting the appropriate Italian abbreviation or acronym. Known as acronimi (acronyms), abbreviazioni (abbreviations) or sigle (initials), Italian abbreviations and acronyms are formed by joining the initial letters or syllables of companies, organizations, and societies, as well as other terms, to form a new word. Some of them even evoke the topic they stand for. For example, in Italian, the word luce can mean light, brightness, sunlight, all possible references to the movies. LUCE is also the Italian acronym for LUnione Cinematografico Educativa, the national cinema educational organization. Tasting the Minestra Wondering what spices to add to the zuppa di alfabeto? In general, Italian abbreviations and acronyms are usually pronounced or read as if they were words rather than spelled out, with the exception of two-letter combinations, which are regularly spelled out. Acronyms such as PIL (Prodotto Interno Lordo), D.O.C. (Denominzaione dOrigine Controllata) and STANDA (Societ Tutti Articoli Nazionale DellArredamento [Abbigliamento]), are pronounced as if they were Italian words. Other abbreviated forms, such as PSDI (Partito Socialista Democratico Italiano) and PP.TT. (Poste e Telegrafi) are pronounced letter for letter. Listen to native Italian speakers, especially public speakers, to determine the correct form. In any event, dont forget how to pronounce Italian vowels or how to pronounce Italian consonants, since the letters and syllables are still pronounced using the Italian alphabet.